Public notice for the selection of candidates to be submitted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the appointment of the Director of the Italian Development Cooperation Agency, under article 17.5 of the Law 11th August 2014, n. 125.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation announces the formal procedure for the selection and the subsequent appointment of the Director of the Italian Development Cooperation Agency as per the Law 11th August 2014, n. 125. The successful candidate will be selected based upon professional qualifications and proven experience in the field of developmental cooperation.
The working conditions of the Director will be determined by an individual contract, as per article 19.2 of the Legislative Decree 30th March 2001, n. 165. Under article 17.5 of the Law 125/2014. The contract duration is four years, with the possibility of a renewal.
The full version of the notice is provided on the following websites:, and
The applications, in Italian, must be submitted by 12:00 a.m. of May 4th 2018 at the following address via certified mail:
The notice is also downloadable here in Italian.